Cost Effective Blanking Panels
April 10, 2014 Written by JohnTech
Okay, let me see a show of hands. Who likes to save money? You had better all be raising your arm, unless, of course, money is no object, in which case, could you loan me a few bucks? Just kidding. What if I were to tell you that Johnston Technologies has a cost effective solution for your IT department? It’s true.
Have you ever heard of blanking panels? They are also referred to as filler panels or rack spacer blanks. Whatever you call them, they can save your company a lot of money. Blanking panels are spacers which are inserted vertically in racks between your various components to effectively control air flow.
Made out of either plastic or cardboard, blanking panels are snapped onto your racks. And don’t let their super low price fool you. Johnston Technologies’ blanking panels are super sturdy, and even add strength to your racking system.
See here’s the deal… without the use of blanking panels, the warm exhaust that is blown out of your IT equipment, gets recirculated (even warmer) back into it. This warm air filtering back through your racks and components can lead to thermal damage. Now I know you what you paid for all your computers, servers, etc. Do you really want to have to replace them? We are talking major bucks here, when the whole thing could have been avoided by inserting some cheap (cost, not quality) blanking panels in.
According to industry standards, the best, simplest, and most cost effective way to control air flow in a data center is to install blanking panels. Johnston Technologies knows this and they have your back. You will get a better understanding and realize (sort of like… boy, I should of had a V8) you need to have them installed.
Installing blanking panels will ensure the warm exhaust is leaving the area properly and not filtering back through your racks and IT equipment, thus increasing their proficiency. This is important because it will prolong the life of your machines. You know you spent a chunk of change purchasing all that stuff in the beginning, so why would you want to buy it again sooner than needed?
Like I said earlier, give Johnston Technologies a call and ask about blanking panels. It’s not totally cheap, but it will save you money to boot… unless, of course, money is no object. So about about that loan?