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White Papers
Johnston Technologies’ white papers are educational tools written to enhance the knowledge of personnel who work in data centers.

VRLA Battery Degradation: How a Single Bad Battery Can Cause Thermal Runaway
How a Single Bad Battery Can Cause Thermal Runaway
Our white paper Valve Regulated Lead-Acid Battery Degradation: How a Single Bad Battery Can Cause Thermal Runaway was written as a guide for UPS owners on how to properly support UPS batteries to prevent a thermal runaway condition. While a majority of our […]

NFPA 70 Article 645.5
Free White Paper: NFPA 70 Article 645.5
Article 645.5 of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 70 outlines proper power-supply wiring requirements in for information technology equipment and systems in an information technology equipment room. Also known as the National Electrical Code, NFPA 70 defines information technology equipment as: Our free white paper will teach […]

NFPA 1 Chapter 52
Free White Paper: NFPA 1 Chapter 52
Any room containing an Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) should maintain safety as their top priority. The NFPA 1 Chapter 52 fire code is built to protect equipment, employees, and first responders from the dangers of a UPS and its VRLA batteries. You will learn how to satisfy these […]

Cellwatch Daily Battery Monitoring
Free White Paper: Cellwatch Daily Battery Monitoring
With over 75% of unplanned power outages attributed to battery failures, knowing the status of your UPS batteries every day is crucial. Cellwatch monitors UPS batteries every day and will notify of any battery failures before a power outage occurs. This white paper will teach you: What Cellwatch […]

AisleLok ® Modular Containment vs. Legacy Containment
Free White Paper: AisleLok ® Modular Containment vs. Legacy Containment: A Comparative CFD Study of IT Inlet Temperatures and Fan Energy Savings - A free white paper brought to you courtesy of Upsite Technologies. According to Upsite: Download hassle free! For more information on Upsite Technologies’ products and services, visit their website at www.upsite.com!