Home | Monitoring System | Facility
Facility Monitoring Systems are all incorporating monitoring solutions for individual data centers or multiple facilities located worldwide. While using a single program, users can monitor multiple locations or drill down to an individual facility, room or piece of equipment.
Each piece of equipment can have multiple data points to monitor, allowing for complex monitoring solutions that meet any enterprise’s need. If existing monitoring systems are employed in the data center, the vendor neutral Facility Monitoring System can integrate with numerous communication protocols allowing for expansion without replacement.
The Facility Monitoring System functions as an all-encompassing view of multiple monitoring points. From multiple facility locations around the globe to power draw from a single outlet on a PDU, a Facility Monitoring System can inform a data center manager of the status of their facilities.
The alert capabilities add another layer of comfort for IT and facility managers by alarming and then notifying if a system or device were to rise above or dip below the user-defined alarm threshold. These notifications can be programmed to text message or email certain parties for certain situations. This prevents staff not responsible for the problem receiving notifications when a piece of equipment alarms.
An interactive dashboard allows users the option to drill down to each facility or maintain a global view of the status of multiple facilities. When drilled down to an individual facility, a custom look can be found of the facility including where individual pieces of equipment are located, what the name of the equipment is and the status of the equipment. All this information is programmed on a bird’s eye view of that facility’s layout and specifications.
Communication Protocols
Johnston Technologies deploys a flexible Facility Monitoring System that can communicate over multiple protocols. SNMP, Modbus, BACnet, LON, Niagra, Hardwired I/O, SMTP, TCP/IP, SMS, HTTP, DHCP and more are all communication protocols through which to monitor a data center using Johnston Technologies. This flexibility allows for easy adaptation to any facility’s previously deployed communication protocol.
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