Got a Leak Problem?
March 7, 2014 Written by JohnTech
If you are like most companies, you have a data center located somewhere in your business that houses a lot of expensive equipment, equipment you definitely don’t want damaged. See here’s the deal, many data centers have an air handling unit (like an air conditioner) in them to keep it the perfect temperature. (Not too hot. Not too cold. Just right. You’re thinking of Goldilocks and the Three Bears right now, aren’t you?)
Well to run those air handling units, you need to have water running in and out of your data center. Can you imagine what would happen if a water leak occurred around all your electrical equipment? The potential water damage could be very costly to a business when you consider downtime. And hey, a water leak on the floor from an air conditioning unit isn’t the only thing you have to worry about…a drip from a ceiling pipe, a sewage backup oozing out of the hole on the floor. You never know what may cause a disaster, costing you money.
That said, you need to have a little talk with one of the professionals at Johnston Technologies. They carry RLE Technologies brand leak monitoring systems that are, simply said, one of the best in the industry. Here’s how it works…
Your data center’s floor plan is evaluated.
Sensing cable is laid and fastened to the floor. (This is so nobody trips on it. I mean, hey, you’re saving money by protecting your business from downtime, so why spend money on a sue happy person who trips. Am I right or am I right?)
Markings are made every 50-100’ and then turned into an electronic visual of the data center’s floor plan.
A floor plan map is then given to you, the customer, and Johnston Technologies keeps one as well. It can also be posted on the electronic monitoring system.
The entire system is checked and double checked.
So what exactly does the system do? This is the cool part. If a leak occurs, it will hit one of the sensing cables which will alert your monitor. The monitor will then make a loud beeping sound (like your home’s fire alarm which conveniently always sounds in the middle of the night to warn you that it’s batteries are low).
If you are a smaller business with 1,000 feet or less to monitor, Johnston Technologies probably sold you the popular SeaHawk LD1000 monitor. Once the alarm sounds, alerting you to a problem, you can reference the foot markings from the map provided to you and go to your data center and locate the source and take care of it.
For businesses with larger data centers, up to 10,000’, Johnston Technologies would have sold you the SeaHawk LD5200 monitor. This system is ideal for companies with large data centers that would make it difficult for a person to enter the room and find the leak on their own. Just like the LD1000 model, the LD5200 sounds it alarms to alert you. Then, however, you can access your data center’s floor plan from a web interface (remember that from earlier) that shows you exactly where the leak is occurring in one of the 50-100’ area that was marked off.
Of course, both models meet standard safety requirements and all cables are made of quality construction to help eliminate false alarms. Plus, the cables are quickly installed, and even better, they allow for easy expansion. That means if your business grows, so will your data center, and that growth can easily be accommodated and protected like the rest of your equipment.
So once again, I pose the question, “Got a leak problem?” I sincerely hope not. But if you do happen to have that unfortunate problem in the future, wouldn’t it be nice to know your business is protected? I think we both know the answer to that problem. So give Johnston Technologies a call and see what their professionals have to say about leak monitoring systems. Can you afford not to?
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